The WofW is a revelation from God after all

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Re: The WofW is a revelation from God after all

Post by _honorentheos »

The headline suggests something a bit more catastrophic than the actual findings state.

Compared to drinking under 100 grams of alcohol per week, drinking 100 to 200 grams was estimated to shorten the life span of a 40-year-old by six months. Drinking 200 to 350 grams per week was estimated to reduce life span by one to two years and drinking more than 350 grams per week by four to five years.

A standard drink in the US has approximate 14 grams of alcohol, so a person who has a beer or glass of wine with their evening meal would technically be at 98 grams or just at the threshold. Not exactly a finding that refutes the idea that drinking in moderation is not the life and soul-destroying thing Mormonism makes it out to be.

This brings something up about what I have come to despise about the Church and it's influence on people both in it and caught in it's gravity. I was recently talking with an acquaintance who lives in Utah who is a TBM. He was telling me about their oldest who is a couple of years past mission age and had drifted away from the Church for a few years. He described him as having experimented with the alternative to living a good life like the Church teaches and realized he was unhappy and without direction. So he is now working on being able to go on a mission and expects to be able to sometime soon. It got to something that I hate about Utah. That because the Church exerts so much gravity on people, so many who try to push off away from it still define their lives outside of Mormonism by the only thing they know and their upbringing has given them. So the experimentation that often accompanies youth with sex, substances, and seeking freedom plays into the Mormon narrative because those things can't substitute for personal identity or self-worth.

No one can't drink, smoke or screw their way into becoming a self-actualized human being. But to the person who only knows Mormonism, the result is they are left feeling empty. And this leaves them thinking that Mormonism was right about that so they let the gravity of the Church suck them back in and look there for self-actualization. But the Church doesn't give self-actualization. Instead it teaches self-immolation and giving up one's self for a place in a community. Thus they find themselves living a life of tension between feeling highs when their self-sacrifice brings recognition and rewards and lows when they feel lost among the herd.

But at no point are they presented with other options or tools than those approved within the Mormon worldview and narrative.

Mormonism sucks.
The world is always full of the sound of waves..but who knows the heart of the sea, a hundred feet down? Who knows it's depth?
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Re: The WofW is a revelation from God after all

Post by _DoubtingThomas »

honorentheos wrote:The headline suggests something a bit more catastrophic than the actual findings state.

Compared to drinking under 100 grams of alcohol per week, drinking 100 to 200 grams was estimated to shorten the life span of a 40-year-old by six months. Drinking 200 to 350 grams per week was estimated to reduce life span by one to two years and drinking more than 350 grams per week by four to five years.

A standard drink in the US has approximate 14 grams of alcohol, so a person who has a beer or glass of wine with their evening meal would technically be at 98 grams or just at the threshold. Not exactly a finding that refutes the idea that drinking in moderation is not the life and soul-destroying thing Mormonism makes it out to be.

Very good! Thanks for reading the study itself.
_Flaming Meaux
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Re: The WofW is a revelation from God after all

Post by _Flaming Meaux »

Compared to drinking under 100 grams of alcohol per week, drinking 100 to 200 grams was estimated to shorten the life span of a 40-year-old by six months. Drinking 200 to 350 grams per week was estimated to reduce life span by one to two years and drinking more than 350 grams per week by four to five years.

It is also worth keeping in mind that these are the months and years at the end of your life, and people generally have other reasons for not particularly enjoying those months and years anyway.
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Re: The WofW is a revelation from God after all

Post by _boo »

This discussion misses important points. First the WOW was never a commandment until BY without even claiming a revelation suddenly announced it as such in1857.Secondly it never says anything about alcohol. Joseph routinely drank both wine and beer .He sent Stephen Markham to buy wine the day he was killed .Markham brought it back and gave it to the prisoners who drank it to "enliven their spirits" .Joseph's journal for June 1 1844 includes an entry about dropping by the local tavern for a beer. Interestingly the History of the Church edits out this entry but the JSP shows what was originally written. BY owned multiple breweries ,The WOW specifically encourages " mild Barley drinks" ie beer. It was only in 1921 that Heber J Grant ( whose step father was an alcoholic ) decided to use his new found power as President to ,without even claiming any revelation ,to ban alcohol a term never appearing in the WOW.
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